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10 Minute HIIT Running Workout to Start the Day Off Right

10 Minute HIIT Running Workout to Start the Day Off Right

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When it comes to HIIT, you can be sure that the advantages are for everyone. Regardless of your fitness goals, incorporating a healthy regimen will certainly involve HIIT sessions spread across various days keeping recovery periods in check.

This post is for all those who want to include a 10-minute HIIT running workout in their regimen.

While no one discourages beginners, it is recommended that you don’t look towards this as your only workout.

If your fitness goal for now is just running around a few blocks every day of the week, sure. It’s a great start!

But even then, it would be suggested that you try increasing the length of your HIIT running workout durations instead of sticking with just 10 minutes every day.

The workout in this post is for beginners looking to start working out, regular fitness amateurs and experts who don’t have the time or the availability of gym or equipment, etc.


Are 10 minutes of HIIT cardio enough?

10 minutes of running with HIIT will help you burn more calories than 30 minutes of a treadmill workout.

Moreover, since HIIT accelerates your metabolic rate and increases your total calorie burnout for even longer durations, you can be sure that any amount of HIIT exercise is good.

Is a 10-minute stamina workout enough for a HIIT workout?

This depends on what you would consider a stamina workout.

If you’re going to be exercising at a moderate pace and trying to extend the duration of your jog, it’s not going to count as HIIT.

Whereas, if you’re going to be sprinting and taking breaks in between, like in the workout described below, you’ll be doing what’s considered as HIIT or interval training running.

Is HIIT or just running at the same pace better for fat loss?

Researches have proved that compared with moderate or uniform pace workouts, HIIT burns more calories during the workout as well as after it. 

Saving time and bringing about faster results, HIIT proved itself to be more effective for weight loss than simple cardio exercises.

Does doing HIIT cardio increase endurance when running?

Yes, HIIT can help you increase the endurance of your muscles if you incorporate intense interval sessions in between.

How many times a week should I do run in HIIT?

Since HIIT can have a severe impact on your muscles, it is important that you give them time to recover.

That is why you shouldn’t do more than 2-3 days of HIIT running in a week to get optimal results without risking injury, muscular pain and other problems.

Is HIIT more effective than running / Which burns more calories, running or HIIT?

Running at a moderate pace is a good cardio workout that can be done for long durations to increase its effectiveness.

However, compared with HIIT running workouts, moderate pace running will fall short in terms of muscle endurance and calorie burnout.

For example, a 10-minute HIIT running workout will help you burn twice as many calories than a 10-minute moderate pace workout.

What's the best way to do HIIT running / How should I combine HIIT with running?

HIIT distinguishes itself from other exercises with two things:

  • Short duration but high intensity of the workout

  • Longer break periods

In normal running, you’ll be running at the same pace for 10-20 minutes.

In HIIT running, you’ll be jogging, running moderately, sprinting at your max potential and coming back down to slow jogs in between repetitions of this cycle.

Moreover, you’ll be doing all this in 10 minutes, rather than 20.

Whereas, your gains and calorie burnout will be more than what you could’ve gained through normal running.

This same logic persists through all forms of HIIT workouts such as the one you can find below.

Does Cardio Like Running and HIIT Hinder Muscle-Building?

A lot of people think that HIIT is the literal destruction of the muscles and thus, it hinders hypertrophy or muscle building efforts.

This logic and belief are mistaken and false as hypertrophy entails breaking down existing muscle tissue through metabolic damage and refueling them with amino acids.

As discussed above, HIIT is much more efficient in increasing your EPOC or calorie burnout even in rest when compared with simple cardio.

Therefore, we can conclude that HIIT doesn’t hinder muscle building but rather increases muscle growth.

Will cardio (running at the track) have the same effect as HIIT?

Even if you run at a moderate pace on the track for double the duration, you won’t be able to reap the same benefits you would get for half the duration of HIIT.

Simply put, HIIT exercises are indeed cardio but their intensity along with careful rest periods make them much more efficient and effective for almost every fitness goal. You can burn about 150-300 calories with the 10 minutes HIIT running workout.

How do I breathe during HIIT or running?

Generally, good breathing habits involve breathing in from your nose and exhaling or breathing out from your mouth.

However, when we start running or doing intense aerobic exercises, it becomes a problem for us to be able to breathe in the same manner.

That is when you need to change up your style and adjust accordingly to make sure that you don’t get exhausted earlier.

Avoid breathing through your nose when you’re running at an intense pace.

Moreover, it’s better to take a lesser number of deep breaths rather than rapid shallow breathing.

Shallow breathing expends more carbon dioxide from within the body which inevitably ends up constricting the blood vessels which makes you feel like you’re fainting.

The 10 Minute HIIT Running Workout for Weight Loss

If you have wondered what the best 10 Minute HIIT program for running is, here is your answer:

00-1:30 (90 Seconds)

Slow Jog (warm up)

1:30-2:30 (1 Minute)

Medium Pace Jog

2:30-3:00 (30 Seconds)

Walk at Moderate Pace

3:00-4:00 (1 Minute)

Moderate Running

4:00-4:30 (30 Seconds)

Walk at Moderate Pace

4:30-5:30 (1 Minute)

Moderate Running

5:30-6:00 ( 30 Seconds )

Walk at Moderate Pace

6:00-7:00 ( 1 Minute )

Intense Running (Sprinting)

7:00-7:30 ( 30 Seconds )

Walk at Moderate Pace

7:30-9:00 ( 90 Seconds )

Intense Running (Sprinting)

9:00-10:00 ( 1 Minute )

Walk at Moderate Pace


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